
Early Ratzinger on Revelation, Faith, and Tradition

A Refutation of Ormond Rush

Ormond Rush’s Interpretation of Early Ratzinger’s Commentary At the Synod on synodality, October 23, 2023, Australian theologian Fr. Ormond Rush gave a lecture on the early Joseph Ratzinger’s theology of revelation, faith, and tradition, in … [Read more...]

Can White Vestments Be Worn at All Times?

Go up to an average American Roman Catholic priest and ask them, “When can white vestments be worn?” and you will probably receive the answer, “Always.” It is commonly thought that white is the default color for vestments; however, a natural … [Read more...]

Teaching Theology to Gen Z

Three Lessons from Henri de Lubac

Each fall, as I prepare to stand before a classroom of undergraduates, required as they are to take my Introduction to Catholic Theology course, I reconsider how to teach the faith most effectively. This task has become more challenging … [Read more...]

Failure in the Christian Life

Pastoral Lessons from Dostoevky’s Idiot and Endo’s Silence

Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning range of books, articles, and online publications dedicated the problem of failure. Much of the material is aimed at helping leaders and professional groups deal with failure by using strategies … [Read more...]

Seven Characteristics of the Resurrection Appearances

The Resurrection is a central mystery of our Christian faith. Without the perspective of the resurrection, we lose sight of eternity and the life hereafter. Yet despite the centrality of this mystery, I wonder how many Christians could … [Read more...]

Saint Paul, Masculinity, and Priestly Identity

When speaking to his son, King David reminds Solomon what it takes to succeed as king: “I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, be courageous [לְאִֽישׁ], and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping … [Read more...]

Counsels vs. Commands in Vocational Discernment

Anxiety. Fear. These words frequently come up in commentary about young Catholics and vocational discernment.[1. For example, S. E. Greydanus, “Rethinking Vocational Discernment,” HPR, June 23, 2023, www … [Read more...]

Prayer as the Fountain of Faith

Prayer is the latch that opens the window to God’s mysterious beauty and brings fresh air to our soul. Without the breath of prayer, faith suffocates. A daily practice of prayer stabilizes us against winds of deceit. Prayer liberates us f … [Read more...]

Preaching Dogma Kerygmatically

Thirteen years a priest, I have often heard Catholic faithful lament that their priests and deacons “don’t preach the hard truths,” but for many years I was reluctant to listen. This wasn’t because I was hostile to truth; rather, I didn’t wa … [Read more...]

Interior Peace, a Critical Capability

The theories of Carl Von Clausewitz, former Prussian General Officer, on military strategy are used today by many of the world’s leading military powers. Clausewitz stated that military operations are supported by critical capabilities. A c … [Read more...]

“Lord, Teach Us to Pray”

A Theological Reflection on the LORD’S Prayer as a Model for the Parish

Voices constantly scream at us with urgent demand, including our own anxieties. How is it that only a third of Catholics believe in the Eucharist? How am I supposed to evangelize a culture that is increasingly hostile to truth? Is there a … [Read more...]

The Formation of Altar Servers for the Current Times

Note: I would like to thank Br. Jonathan Ibarra, M.Id for his insights into this topic. Many dioceses in the United States and around the world are facing a decrease in the number of altar servers and a lack of formation of the altar … [Read more...]

The Moral Uncertainty of “Brain Death”

1968 was a year of upheaval, perhaps best remembered by Americans for the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy, and by Catholics for the promulgation of Humanae vitae. But the unobtrusive coining of a new definition … [Read more...]

Same Sex Attraction in Catholic Women who Desire to Live Chastely

Abstract A growing number of Catholic women with same sex attraction (SSA) are interested to know the Catholic Church teaching on this issue. Thus far there are no specific Magisterial documents solely dedicated to women with same sex … [Read more...]

Cherishing and Respecting One’s Fertility

Discussions about ending marital fertility by vasectomy or tubal ligation, even among Catholics, can often be nonchalant as if this procedure is no big deal with no moral implications. Such an attitude is likely the product of a culture … [Read more...]