On January 28, 2023, I was blessed to be received into a fraternity of the Lay Dominicans, Eastern Province, USA. I am, thanks be to God, a member of the Order of St. Dominic, while also remaining in the lay state in the world. Many readers … [Read more...]
Counsels vs. Commands in Vocational Discernment
Anxiety. Fear. These words frequently come up in commentary about young Catholics and vocational discernment.[1. For example, S. E. Greydanus, “Rethinking Vocational Discernment,” HPR, June 23, 2023, www … [Read more...]
Co-Responsibility, Personal Vocation, and Charism Discernment
In a 2009 address to the clergy of the Diocese of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI reflected on the mission of the laity in our times by introducing a new term into the Church’s parlance: co-responsibility. The term has both ecclesiological and p … [Read more...]
Discerning the Gift of Priestly Celibacy in Relation to Marriage
Every candidate to the priesthood, even those in the Oriental rites where celibacy is optional, must discern whether God is offering them the “precious gift of priestly celibacy.”[1. Presbyterorum Ordinis, 16.] In the Latin rite, priesthood … [Read more...]
Doing Ministry for the Sake of the Apostolate
In the fifty-plus years since the close of the Second Vatican Council, the Church has witnessed a rapid growth of lay ecclesial ministry, of members of the lay faithful participating in a wide variety of ministerial functions and roles in … [Read more...]
Father, Receive These Gifts
Pope Francis, in his 2016 annual meeting of the pontifical academies, called for local parishes to be “oases of beauty, peace, acceptance.” This is consistent with the Church being “Mother of us all” (Gal 4:26) — a place where all can be fed … [Read more...]
Accompanying, Discerning, and Integrating Weakness in Marriage
Chapter eight and its footnotes of Amoris Laetitia begins with the above title and has been pilloried extensively by much of the people of God’s thinkers due to some ambiguities in light of sacred Tradition. However, the title is a m … [Read more...]
Pastoral Care of Women Who Have Left the Convent
In the fall of 2014, I got on a train to enter the convent. I was happy and healthy, with an intact family, great friends, a list of accomplishments I was proud of, and no history of mental health trouble, having passed my psychological … [Read more...]
The Heart of a Priest
St. John Vianney
Father Patrice Chocholski is the successor of St. John Vianney as the pastor of the Parish of St. Sixtus in Ars, France. In July of 2018, Fr. Patrice brought the relic of the heart of St. John Vianney to the United States on a pilgrimage … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – January 2020
Infallibility and Canonization Question: Pope Francis recently canonized Pope Paul VI and Oscar Romero. Can you explain to me how canonization relates to the infallibility of the Pope? Answer: This is an important question because the … [Read more...]
Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Lessons from the First Pope
Saint Peter is perhaps the most fascinating, lovable, and relatable apostle. The insight which Scripture provides portrays this very fact, for the Gospels depict an amusing yet awe-inspiring image of a humble and sincere, bold and fearful … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
Question: When we do not have enough consecrated bread for Holy Communion is it permitted to dip unconsecrated bread into consecrated wine? Does the Council of Trent give special permission in this regard? Answer: I am constantly amazed … [Read more...]
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