Christopher J. Lane

About Christopher J. Lane

Christopher J. Lane, PhD, is a Professor of History at Christendom College in Front Royal, Va. His book is entitled Callings and Consequences: The Making of Catholic Vocational Culture in Early Modern France (McGill-Queen’s Univ. Press, 2021), and he continues to write about vocational discernment in historical, theological, and pastoral perspective. His recent pieces include “Rigorism and Clericalism in the Vocational Discernment Culture of the Nineteenth-Century Catholic Revival” (The Catholic Historical Review, 2023), “Augustine and the Bullfight” (co-authored with Dixie Dillon Lane,, 2023), and “Newman and a Historian’s Craft” in Vélez, A Guide to John Henry Newman: His Life and Thought (CUA Press, 2022). He is an Oblate of St. Benedict and a layman of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.

Counsels vs. Commands in Vocational Discernment

Anxiety. Fear. These words frequently come up in commentary about young Catholics and vocational discernment.[1. For example, S. E. Greydanus, “Rethinking Vocational Discernment,” HPR, June 23, 2023, www … [Read more...]