Requiescat in Pace: Elenor Schoen, Former Managing Editor

  On April 27, 2024, Elenor Schoen, former managing editor of Homiletic & Pastoral Review, passed into eternal life. Elenor’s life was an active, fruitful one, involving many forms of service to family, community, and Church. The … [Read more...]

2024: The Year of Prayer

Pope Francis has called for 2024 to be honored as a “Year of Prayer.” What does this mean? The special character of this year is based on the year following, 2025, which is a jubilee year for the Church. The custom of the jubilee year has … [Read more...]

Love for Liturgy, Love for the Church: An Ongoing Dialogue

Editor’s Note: Due to the high interest and lively discussion prompted by Fr. Robert McTeigue’s recent article, “What Many Priests No Longer Believe,” the following two responses have been published to offer additional viewpoints on the chal … [Read more...]

Honoring St. Teresa of Calcutta

This September marks 25 years since the death of St. Teresa of Calcutta. In her honor, HPR features these two poems by Michael Grumbine. Love Afire   A beggar, gaunt, was known to us, Though harshness claimed his life, He … [Read more...]

Roe v. Wade Overturned

On the morning of Friday, June 24, in a 6–3 ruling, the Supreme Court issued a historic verdict. In a decision titled Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the court overturned Roe vs. Wade. After nearly fifty years, abortion is no … [Read more...]

God Inside You

When the Unmoved Mover moved in you, Kicked tiny feet against virginal womb, When you felt first under your very bones, The presence of God in earthen tones: What sentiment?   Did you cry for mirth? Or fumble for … [Read more...]

In Memoriam: Fr. Paul Mankowski, S.J.

Sacerdotal Steelworker In the lore of the Society of Jesus, it has been thought that when a Jesuit dies, he fears meeting St. Ignatius more than he fears the judgment seat of Christ. Fr. Paul Mankowski, S.J., a son of Ignatius who died … [Read more...]