Catechesi Tradendae’s Fortieth Anniversary

The Usefulness of Metaphysics and Epistemology in Catechesis

The year 2019 marks the fortieth anniversary of a classic papal document on catechesis and evangelization in the contemporary Church and world, namely, Pope St. John Paul II’s 1979 apostolic exhortation Catechesi Tradendae, “On Catechesis in … [Read more...]

The Need for Liturgy Within Parish Catechetical Programs

Some pastors have experienced people who register in the parish, and go to Mass for a short period of time, but leave once they get what they want: their wedding at their dream church, parish assistance with tuition, renting parish … [Read more...]

From the HPR Archives – Vol. 1.1

The following is the first of a series in honor of HPR’s 125th anniversary, in which we will be republishing some of the earliest content from the days of The Homiletic Monthly & Catechist. In those days, the magazine included lessons fo … [Read more...]