Requiescat in Pace: Elenor Schoen, Former Managing Editor


On April 27, 2024, Elenor Schoen, former managing editor of Homiletic & Pastoral Review, passed into eternal life.

Elenor’s life was an active, fruitful one, involving many forms of service to family, community, and Church. The missions in which she took part included the work of the Archdiocese of Seattle, Fr. Robert Spitzer’s Healing the Culture, Human Life of Washington, the National Catholic Bioethics Center, and Discovery Institute. HPR was Elenor’s last paid position, the culmination of a series of apostolates undertaken with loving zeal.

These forms of involvement gave Elenor opportunities to work with many prominent people in both the Church and various professional fields. Yet whatever her occupations, her generous, faithful heart remained especially open to those who were close to her, as she cared for aging relatives and provided help and encouragement to her many nieces, nephews, and friends.

A Mass was offered for Elenor by Rev. John P. Cush, Editor-in-Chief of HPR, on Tuesday, May 21, at the Altar of Saint John at Saint Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie.

To view Elenor’s obituary or make a memorial gift in her name, see full information here. About


  1. Annemarie S. Muth Annemarie S. Muth says:

    Thank you for your lovely tribute to my sister Elenor Schoen. I remember enjoying working with her at HPR a few years back as her assistant editor. We miss her dedication and faithfulness to the Church and to her family–and her wry sense of humor. Rest in peace, El!

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