The purpose of this essay is to explore what light the deeper truths of our faith can shed on the criminal justice system. The light of faith illuminates reality so we can see all things through the life, death, and resurrection of our … [Read more...]
Book Reviews – February 2020
Habits for a Healthy Marriage: A Handbook for Catholic Couples By Richard P. Fitzgibbons. Reviewed by Christopher Siuzdak. (skip to review) Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination By John Corvino, Ryan Anderson, and Sherif … [Read more...]
Canon Law, Civil Law, and the Current Crisis in the Church
Reflections of a Civil Lawyer Studying Canon Law in Rome
Last fall I left my job as a corporate lawyer and began studying canon law in Rome. Explaining my rationale to my colleagues wasn’t as difficult as I had imagined. Whether they were practicing Catholics, fallen-away Catholics, not-yet C … [Read more...]
What Is Really At Stake for Catholic Voters in this Election
November 2016 Editorial
In his Republic, Plato argues that we all get the government we deserve. That is, the political leaders of any given people are a direct reflection of what those people hold dear. Does a society think riches are the defining characteristic … [Read more...]
A Due-Process Compliant Pathway to Restore Constitutional Fetal Personhood and Reverse Roe v. Wade
“The power of the modern state {including one of its arms, such as its highest court} makes it possible for it to turn lies into truth by destroying the facts which existed before, and by making new realities to form what until then had b … [Read more...]
Sacrificing Priests on the Altar of Insurance
Fr. Bob (that’s what we’ll call him) was a faithful parish priest for more than 25 years. One day, a process server showed up at the rectory door and handed him a summons and complaint. The complaint alleged that some 20 years earlier he had … [Read more...]
Questions Answered: Does Hell Exist? And, Civil Law vs. Moral Law
Question: I heard that, recently, some Christian theologians are denying the existence of hell? Can you tell me if we must believe in hell? Answer: The existence of hell is de fide from the Athanasian Creed, which teaches: “But those who h … [Read more...]
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