Go to Part One This essay examines the pedagogical contribution of Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 150 – 215), with focus on pedagogical pragmatism as the basis for prescribed moral purification, and implications for contemporary c … [Read more...]
Theological Formation as Ethical Instruction
Clement of Alexandria’s Catechetical Method, Part Two
Toward Evangelization of Creators of the Christian Culture
Saint John Paul II, during his pontificate of nearly twenty-seven years, had two main streams of thought. They can be characterized as the preservation of the Christian heritage and the transformation of contemporary secular culture through … [Read more...]
Stuck in Neutral: When Parish Evangelization (Still) Fails
It has been five years since the four-day United States Convocation of Catholic Leaders on Evangelization was held in Atlanta. It has been nine years since Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel, was … [Read more...]
Transcendence After America Project
Restoring Jesus Christ to the Public Square
On the New Evangelization . . . . . . For her part, the Church in the United States is called, in season and out of season, to proclaim a Gospel which not only proposes unchanging moral truths but proposes them precisely as the key to … [Read more...]
Why Is the Gate So Narrow?
We know through the eyes of faith that God is to be seen through created things. We are called to see the innate dignity and uniqueness of each human person we meet, and the beauty of a landscape that points to the creative and wondrous … [Read more...]
The Preeminence of the Eternal and the Dignity of the Human Person
Do all men and women have their origin in the One True God? If so, have they been created to be concerned solely with what can be manipulated and obtained during this life, regardless of morality? Has mankind lost an awareness of the … [Read more...]
Deacons as Apostles for the New Evangelization
“Whoever believes that Christ the Lord is the way, the truth and the life, whoever knows that the Church is his continuation in history, whoever has a personal experience of all this cannot fail, for this very reason, to become fervently m … [Read more...]
Dean Koontz’s Odd Catholicism
When EWTN aired Raymond Arroyo’s first "World Over" television interview with Dean Koontz on October 18, 2012, many viewers were surprised to learn that the author of over a dozen #1 New York Times bestsellers is a practicing Catholic. The l … [Read more...]
Catechetical and Pastoral Emphasis in the Apologetics of Frank Sheed
Vatican II calls the laity to take a more active role in not just the worshipping life of the Church, but the teaching life, too. While Sheed agrees ... we evangelize best principally through a pastorally oriented and properly formed … [Read more...]
The Culture of Honor—A Brief Essay
What is needed to walk in our true identity, and to carry out the mission of bringing heaven to earth, is the culture of honor. God the Father wants nothing less than heaven on earth. This is why he gave us his Son, and his many … [Read more...]
Growing in Love of the Lay Life: Evangelizing Martyrs
The Catholic laity are asked to give witness to Christ by way of obedience to objective truth. It takes a mind formed by love itself, Christ, to have the courage to preach the Gospel of Life. The nature of priesthood invites a man to … [Read more...]
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