Saint John Paul II, during his pontificate of nearly twenty-seven years, had two main streams of thought. They can be characterized as the preservation of the Christian heritage and the transformation of contemporary secular culture through … [Read more...]

About Fr. Zbigniew Tyburski, PhD
Fr. Zbigniew Tyburski, PhD, is a priest of the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, and an adjunct professor of the Catholic Social Teachings of Blessed John Paul II, at Seton Hall University.
Toward Evangelization of Creators of the Christian Culture
October 27, 2023 by Fr. Zbigniew Tyburski, PhD
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Evangelizing the Culture, modern culture, Pope John Paul II, the New Evangelization
John Paul II Brightens the Earth with His Holiness and Truth
May 24, 2014 by Fr. Zbigniew Tyburski, PhD

Engaged so deeply in earthly human affairs and believing in each persons’ goodness, John Paul seems to be calling us from heaven with a special request for solidarity of those who live on earth, and those living, though yet unborn. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Abraham Lincoln, conscience, Culture of Death, Evangelium Vitae, Karol Wojtyla, laborem Exercens, natural law, personhood, Pope John Paul II, Pope Leo XIII, relativism, Rerum Novarum, social justice, Walt Whitman
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