Perseverance in Ministry: Lessons from Saint Peter Faber for Discouraging Times

The Catholic Church in Germany was a total mess. Prelates were more interested in secular affairs and maintaining their own comfort than actually worshipping Jesus or sharing his teachings. When they did preach and engage in “spiritual” or “ … [Read more...]

Seven Characteristics of the Resurrection Appearances

The Resurrection is a central mystery of our Christian faith. Without the perspective of the resurrection, we lose sight of eternity and the life hereafter. Yet despite the centrality of this mystery, I wonder how many Christians could … [Read more...]

It’s All Just a Mathematical Equation

The devil wants to divide us. It’s as simple as that. As simple as a mathematical equation, but one that has devastating consequences. As Catholic Christians, who have been taught that evil spirits flee “in the name of Jesus,” we should k … [Read more...]

Parish Evangelization

It is common to hear or read references to the New Evangelization based on the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of St. John Paul II, Christifidelis Laici (On the Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World) … [Read more...]

Co-Responsibility, Personal Vocation, and Charism Discernment

In a 2009 address to the clergy of the Diocese of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI reflected on the mission of the laity in our times by introducing a new term into the Church’s parlance: co-responsibility. The term has both ecclesiological and p … [Read more...]

Doing Ministry for the Sake of the Apostolate

In the fifty-plus years since the close of the Second Vatican Council, the Church has witnessed a rapid growth of lay ecclesial ministry, of members of the lay faithful participating in a wide variety of ministerial functions and roles in … [Read more...]