1968 was a year of upheaval, perhaps best remembered by Americans for the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy, and by Catholics for the promulgation of Humanae vitae. But the unobtrusive coining of a new definition … [Read more...]

About Dr. Joseph M. Eble
Joseph M. Eble, MD, is President of the Tulsa Guild of the Catholic Medical Association, a member of the Tulsa Chapter of Legatus, and a Managing Partner of Fidelis Radiology. Subjects about which he is passionate include brain death, adoption, and building bridges between persons of different ethnicity. His most recent published article on the topic of brain death is “Implications of John Kavanaugh’s Philosophy of the Human Person as Embodied Reflexive Consciousness for Conscientious Decision-making in Brain Death” (The Linacre Quarterly, 88(1):71-81, 2021). He may be reached at eblej@yahoo.com.
The Moral Uncertainty of “Brain Death”
Brain Death: What Catholics Should Know

Brain death (BD), the declaration of death by neurological criteria, is an established medicolegal practice in the USA and many countries worldwide. In 1968, the Harvard Medical School Ad Hoc Committee introduced BD by defining (in the … [Read more...]
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