Brain death (BD), the declaration of death by neurological criteria, is an established medicolegal practice in the USA and many countries worldwide. In 1968, the Harvard Medical School Ad Hoc Committee introduced BD by defining (in the … [Read more...]

About Dr. Doyen Nguyen
Doyen Nguyen, OP, MD, STD, is a lay Dominican, retired academic hematopathologist, Catholic moral theologian, and bioethicist. She has authored books and articles both in medicine and in moral theology/bioethics. Among her recent publications are the 600-page monograph The New Definitions of Death for Organ Donation: A Multidisciplinary Analysis from the Perspective of Christian Ethics (Peter Lang, April 2018. ISBN 978-3-0343-3277-4) and an article on the topic of brain death, “Does the Uniform Determination of Death Act Need to Be Revised?” (The Linacre Quarterly, 87(3):317-333, 2020).
Brain Death: What Catholics Should Know
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: bioethics, Christian anthropology, death and dying, human dignity, Pope John Paul II
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