Each fall, as I prepare to stand before a classroom of undergraduates, required as they are to take my Introduction to Catholic Theology course, I reconsider how to teach the faith most effectively. This task has become more challenging … [Read more...]
The Formation of Altar Servers for the Current Times
Note: I would like to thank Br. Jonathan Ibarra, M.Id for his insights into this topic. Many dioceses in the United States and around the world are facing a decrease in the number of altar servers and a lack of formation of the altar … [Read more...]
What Eye Has Not Seen: A Vision of Catholic Education
St. James sent a strong message and warning to the Christians of his time when he advised them, “Let not many among you become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly [than those who a … [Read more...]
Resurrecting Catholic Schools
In his unforgettable book Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture, Anthony Esolen, with his typical elegance of prose, articulates the dissipation of American culture along with a clarion call to rebuild it. At a key moment in his … [Read more...]
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