Early Ratzinger on Revelation, Faith, and Tradition

A Refutation of Ormond Rush

Ormond Rush’s Interpretation of Early Ratzinger’s Commentary At the Synod on synodality, October 23, 2023, Australian theologian Fr. Ormond Rush gave a lecture on the early Joseph Ratzinger’s theology of revelation, faith, and tradition, in … [Read more...]

Revelation as Dialogical

Dei Verbum as a Hermeneutic for Praying with Theology

Understanding Divine Revelation in its first instance as the desire of the Father to communicate himself in love to human persons serves as an opportunity for more deeply integrating one’s intellectual life with one’s spiritual life. The mov … [Read more...]

An Anthropology of Gaudium et Spes

The radical originality of God: When God created man, male and female, “He established Himself” as the “un-originate origin” of the diversity of the sexes. Part I of II In Part I of this essay (Part II is here), there is an examination o … [Read more...]

Christ Is the Fulfillment of the Law

The Holy Law Is Not an End in Itself

The core teaching in Pope Francis’s homily on October 13th is summarized in the following conclusion: Do I believe in Jesus Christ, in Jesus, in what he did: He died, rose again, and the story ended there. Do I think that the journey c … [Read more...]

The Sacred and Inspired Page

A Proper Understanding of Biblical Inspiration

In recent years, there has been a renewed discussion on biblical inspiration. “The key concept for understanding the Bible as ‘the word of God in human words’ is certainly that of inspiration.”[1. Verbum Domini (VD) No. 19.  ] This statement … [Read more...]

Sacred Tradition: The Forgotten Doctrine?

The miracle and mystery of divine guidance has been the primary constituent element of Church teaching over the centuries, and this guidance is what makes Tradition “sacred,” but rarely is it linked with the teaching of any other doc … [Read more...]

The Holy Family, Celibacy, and Marriage: A Reflection on the “Passage” from the Jewish Rite of Marriage to the Sacrament of Marriage

If the sacrament of marriage came to be specified at a particular moment, then as the renewal of marriage was itself an indication of a new beginning ... it makes sense that the marriage of Mary and Joseph was precisely the implicitly … [Read more...]

The Understanding of Revelation in “Dei Verbum” and the Response of Faith

While this notion of revelation, understood as the manifestation of ... Christ himself, has been with the Church since the very beginning. There have been many confusions and reductions over time that have altered the very essence of the … [Read more...]