Perseverance in Ministry: Lessons from Saint Peter Faber for Discouraging Times

The Catholic Church in Germany was a total mess. Prelates were more interested in secular affairs and maintaining their own comfort than actually worshipping Jesus or sharing his teachings. When they did preach and engage in “spiritual” or “ … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – September 2022

The Light Entrusted to You: Keeping the Flame of Faith Alive. By John R. Wood. Reviewed by Aaron Martin. (skip to review) The Education of a Historian: A Strange and Wonderful Story. By John W. O’Malley. Reviewed by Christopher Siuzdak. ( … [Read more...]

Late Autumn Book Reviews

All the Pope's Saints: The Jesuits Who Shaped Pope Francis, by Fr. Sean Salai, SJ (Our Sunday Visitor, 2017) 144 pages; $15.00. Reviewed by Deacon David Paternostro, S.J. How I Stayed Catholic at Harvard, by Aurora Griffin (Ignatius … [Read more...]

The Stability of the Cross

The movements of Holy Week and Eastertide are enacted to bring the Christian people to the stability of a pierced love that cannot be shaken. Year after year, the Cross beckons and asks if we are faithful in our love, if we can stand with … [Read more...]

Silence and Weakness

The Martyrdom of Alfred Delp and the Apostasy of Sebastian Rodrigues

What ultimately makes a Christian martyr—an individual’s heroism or the grace of God? Martyrdom is a radical call to assume the form of Christ’s self-sacrifice on the Cross for the sake of others, however the martyr’s vocation neither consis … [Read more...]

Winter Reading for January 2016

Introducing the Old Testament: An Overview of Its Content and Its Message. John F. Fink. (Staten Island, NY: St. Paul’s Publishing, 2015) 136 pages; $12.95. (Reviewed by Kenneth Colston) The Marian Mystery: Outline of a Mariology. Denis F … [Read more...]

The Beauty That Beckons Us

An Introduction to the Theology of Fr. John Navone, S.J. (Part 2)

(As HPR’s way of honoring the lifelong work of our brother Jesuit, Fr. John Navone, S.J., we are running an essay in two parts by Gonzaga University’s Dr. Cunningham. See the previous issue for Part One.) Part Two Conversion John Nav … [Read more...]

The Beauty That Beckons Us

An Introduction to the Theology of Fr. John Navone, SJ

(As HPR’s way of honoring the lifelong work of our brother Jesuit, Fr. John Navone, SJ, we shall run Gonzaga University’s Dr. Cunningham’s essay in two parts over the next two months.) Part One Introduction This work was written to provi … [Read more...]

The Understanding of Revelation in “Dei Verbum” and the Response of Faith

While this notion of revelation, understood as the manifestation of ... Christ himself, has been with the Church since the very beginning. There have been many confusions and reductions over time that have altered the very essence of the … [Read more...]

Observations on “Ex Corde Ecclesiae” and Its Fitful Implementation

Ex Corde was promulgated in 1990, and its purpose was to lay out the general place and function of Catholic universities in the modern Church ... {providing}  a useful starting point for dialogues on Catholic identity. I suppose the … [Read more...]

Time Magazine Nominated Pope Francis as “Person of the Year”

A Statement from the Society of Jesus on Time Magazine’s Selection of Pope Francis as Person of the Year Head of U.S. Jesuit Order Congratulates Pope on Honor December 11, 2013 — Pope Francis has been named 2013’s “Person of the Year, … [Read more...]

Jesuitizing the Church: Under Francis, Would That Be So Bad?

Francis has made this strategy the most visible difference in the lifestyle he has adopted as Bishop of Rome ... rejecting ... the “riches and honors” that, over the centuries, have attached themselves to the papal office like barnacles to a … [Read more...]

An Ignatian Bishop of Rome

Like Bergoglio’s choice of the name Francis—after the Poverello of Assisi rather than the Jesuit Francis Xavier—the phrase “presides in charity” and its evocation of “the other Ignatius” may turn out to be interpretive keys to the unpretenti … [Read more...]

Thank God for Pope Francis

If my assessment of Pope Francis is correct, then I believe that the Conclave of Cardinals could not have been other than divinely inspired. As I reflect upon the election of the new Pope, I cannot help but believe that it was in every … [Read more...]