If my assessment of Pope Francis is correct, then I believe that the Conclave of Cardinals could not have been other than divinely inspired. As I reflect upon the election of the new Pope, I cannot help but believe that it was in every … [Read more...]

About Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ
Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ is currently the president of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith and the Spitzer Center. Briefly, before starting these two centers, his career included being assistant professor of philosophy at Georgetown University, an associate professor of philosophy and visiting professor of business at Seattle University, and later, president of Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, from 1998 to 2009. Fr. Spitzer received a BBA in public accounting and finance from Gonzaga University (1970-74); an MA from St. Louis University (1976-78) in philosophy; a MDiv in theology from Gregorian University in Rome (1980-83); a ThM in theology (scripture) from Weston School in Cambridge, Massachusetts (1983-84); and a PhD in philosophy from Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C. (1984-88).
The Magis Center (www.magisreasonfaith.org) produces documentaries, books, high school curricula, college courses, adult-education curricula, and new media materials to show the close connection between faith and reason in contemporary astrophysics, philosophy, and historical study of the New Testament. The Spitzer Center (www.spitzercenter.org) produces facilitated curricula to strengthen culture, faith, and spirit in Catholic organizations as well as nonprofit and for-profit organizations.
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