Book Reviews – July 2024

Pope Francis and Mercy: A Dynamic Theological Hermeneutic. By Gill K. Goulding. Reviewed by Fr. Vien V. Nguyen, SCJ. (skip to review) Memoirs. By Jószef Cardinal Mindszenty. Reviewed by Fr. Joseph Briody. (skip to review) Gift and … [Read more...]

Three Catholic Preachers: Insights from Interviews with 43 Priests

If you ask laypeople why preaching in the Catholic Church is disappointing, they’ll usually give some variation on the answer, “Well, there’s a priest shortage, so priests are really busy, so they probably don’t have much time for preachi … [Read more...]

Preaching Dogma Kerygmatically

Thirteen years a priest, I have often heard Catholic faithful lament that their priests and deacons “don’t preach the hard truths,” but for many years I was reluctant to listen. This wasn’t because I was hostile to truth; rather, I didn’t wa … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – March 2024

The Power of Patristic Preaching: The Word in Our Flesh. By Fr. Andrew Hofer, OP. Reviewed by Br. Lawrence Joshua Johnson, CFR. (skip to review) The Future of Christian Marriage. By Mark Regnerus. Reviewed by Fr. Anthony R. Lusvardi, SJ. … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – October 2023

Aquinas on Scripture: A Primer. By John F. Boyle. Reviewed by D.M. Walker. (skip to review) Remembering Why We Preach: A Retreat to Renew Your Spirit and Skill. By Karla J. Bellinger and Michael E. Connors, CSC. Reviewed by Deacon … [Read more...]

Preaching the Heart of the Gospel

Although I grew up in a nominally Catholic home, neither of my parents was particularly religious. We attended Sunday Mass occasionally as a family, but as we got older the demands of family life, sports, and other obligations quickly began … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – May 2023

Joseph Ratzinger and the Healing of the Reformation-Era Divisions. Ed. by Emery De Gaál and Matthew Levering. Reviewed by M. Ciftci. (skip to review) Benedict XVI: Servant of Love. By Bénedicte Delelis. Reviewed by Christopher Siuzdak. (s … [Read more...]

Ars Praedicandi

Originally delivered as an address to the Theological College in Washington D.C. AMDG JMJ Ars Praedicandi Theological College 12.XI.22 Praised be Jesus Christ! Now and forever! Father Dominic, faculty, staff, and students … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – August 2022

Configured to Christ: On Spiritual Direction and Clergy Formation. By Deacon James Keating. Reviewed by Rev. John P. Cush, STD. (skip to review) Married Priests in the Catholic Church. Ed. by Adam A.J. DeVille. Reviewed by John A. … [Read more...]

The Implications of the Priesthood of John the Baptist

One of the most famous depictions of the crucifixion of Jesus is that of German painter Matthias Grünewald. Grünewald’s most recognized work appears on the center-front panel (when wings are closed) of his polyptych masterpiece, the Ise … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – August 2021

In Christ Alive in Me: Living as a Member of the Mystical Body. By Fr. David Vincent Meconi, S.J. Reviewed by Joe Serwach. (skip to review) Mystical Prayer: The Poetic Example of Emily Dickinson. By Charles M. Murphy. Reviewed by … [Read more...]

The Anvil of God

Drawing Inspiration from the Preaching of Bl. Clemens von Galen

In a time when his people were suffering and felt helpless to change the course of world affairs, the Lion of Münster[1. To read more about Blessed Clemens von Galen, see Fr Daniel Utrecht, The Lion of Münster: The Bishop Who Roared Against … [Read more...]

What Direction Does the Church Give to Homilists?

Every Catholic has an opinion about how homilies ought to be preached. And while such personal observations and insights can be helpful, they do not provide a solid foundation upon which to build a sound understanding of what the substance … [Read more...]

Mass Attendance and Cura Personalis

The novel coronavirus pandemic resulted in novel dilemmas for Catholic parishes. In compliance with local health mandates, many parishes quickly augmented their technological capabilities to offer “virtual Mass” to provide members a safe opt … [Read more...]

Preaching Politics from the Pulpit

With the 2020 electoral campaign now behind us, candidates in close races strategize about how to garner votes among religious believers in two and four years. So, too, religious leaders will once again have to brace for political battle in … [Read more...]