Archives for June 2014

Homilies for July 2014

Homilies For Sunday Liturgies and Holy Days, July 2014   14th Sunday of Ordinary Time—July 6, 2014 Jesus, meek and humble of heart Purpose: Today’s readings provide one of the most wonderful opportunities, in the three-year Sunday cy … [Read more...]

A God of Created Desires

Editorial for June 2014

The Lord has given us desires, and wants to fulfill them, with his care, and with his peace; he wants us to flourish in knowing him, and directing all endeavors and expectations to him. St. Ignatius of Loyola knew, better than most, of … [Read more...]

Decoding Vatican II’s Marian Paradigm Shift

This Vatican II Mariological paradigmatic shift reverberated into all areas of ecclesial theology and liturgy, through a new hermeneutic or interpretation that went beyond the council’s purview and became what is described as a new ethos, t … [Read more...]

The “Inhumanity” of the Homosexual Lifestyle

To love as a person is freely to wish goodness for someone ... Love always wants to affirm, and to better, one’s friend. Through the power of free choice, true love makes the friend, not the self, the beneficiary. Can there be a more … [Read more...]

The Giver and the Gift

God is himself the first, and absolutely the most important gift that God gives to us, which implies a second gift: God gives us our very selves. One thing that people seem to do in all cultures is to give gifts, and this is always … [Read more...]

The Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help for Priests

The message the Queen of Heaven gave to Adele Brise in 1859 was mission-oriented and provides a focus to the Church’s efforts of evangelization. The conversation between Adele and Our Lady is quite telling, emphasizing a two-fold dimension: … [Read more...]

Memory: Wired for God in the Eucharist

So, as we reflect on the principle of memory, we are drawn into what lies at the center of it all, Christ and his words in the institution of the Eucharist: “Do this in remembrance of me” (Lk 22:19; 1 Cor.15:25). No Ordinary Pil … [Read more...]

The Understanding of Revelation in “Dei Verbum” and the Response of Faith

While this notion of revelation, understood as the manifestation of ... Christ himself, has been with the Church since the very beginning. There have been many confusions and reductions over time that have altered the very essence of the … [Read more...]

Giving Our Grief over to the “Man Acquainted with Grief”

With the coming of Christ into the depths of all things human, we now know that even our grief can be given over to the good God ... All losses can become places of life, places of intimacy with Christ, if we show him these wounds caused by … [Read more...]

Object-Images, Ego Formation, and Personal Identity: A Christ-Centered Approach

(This article is) an attempt to provide an understanding of object-images and ego formation, as essential elements of personal identity, laying the foundation for understanding of identity formation in Christ Jesus.   An answer to the … [Read more...]

Believing in the Justice of the Cross: Jesus Christ as the Alpha and Omega of Faith

Adhering with love to the Lord, Victim and Priest, Obedient and Merciful, we embrace him in the real and veiled presence of the broken Bread, and we celebrate the victory against evil, sin, and death.   This essay focuses on the … [Read more...]

“Nuclear fission in the…heart of being”: The Eucharist as the Sacrament of Transformations in the Teaching of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s use of the image of nuclear fission— a positive sense, in order to explain the Eucharistic mystery—is contemporary and striking, and apt to convey the quiet, but immense, power of the Mass. The Sacra … [Read more...]

Ora et Labora … and Vacation??

Religious ... are joined to Christ in his poverty, chastity, and obedience by a “total life-long gift of themselves.” For the consecrated religious, then, times of rest are to serve the total gift of self, as the gift is expressed both in  … [Read more...]

Questions Answered

For June 2014

What are the legal ethics underlying conduct followed by law courts and lawyers practicing in them? What is the origin of the concept of  "private property"? How does this effect the morality of "labor" and "work"? Question: In … [Read more...]

Come, Holy Spirit!

 Feast of Pentecost, June 2014 Sequence – Veni, Sancte Spiritus Come, Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home Shed a ray of light divine! Come, Father of the poor! Come, source of all our store! Come, within our bosoms sh … [Read more...]