Adhering with love to the Lord, Victim and Priest, Obedient and Merciful, we embrace him in the real and veiled presence of the broken Bread, and we celebrate the victory against evil, sin, and death. This essay focuses on the … [Read more...]

About Fr. Lorenzo Rossetti
Fr. Lorenzo Rossetti was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Rome on May 22, 1994. Since 2003, he has served as a Fidei Donum Missionary throughout Albania. He is currently the rector of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Lezhe, as well as a professor of theology at the Theological Institute of Shkodra, Albania. He is the author of numerous books and articles.
Believing in the Justice of the Cross: Jesus Christ as the Alpha and Omega of Faith
June 11, 2014 by Fr. Lorenzo Rossetti
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Alpha and Omega, Benedict XVI's "Message for Lent 2013", Christology, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, faith, Lumen Fidei, obedience, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope John Paul II, satisfaction, St. Augustine
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