The Church’s Teaching on Marriage, Part One

Go to Part II Go to Part III It is often said that the Church is too concerned about sexual morality. The Church should rather be concerned about poverty, discrimination, and climate change. Such an accusation is a bit disingenuous in … [Read more...]

The Sacrament of Marrying

A Covenant and a Verb

Because the family is the basic unit of society through all time, it is imperative to delve deeper into the sacrament of matrimony, or the verb of marrying as I will explain. St. John Paul II said on December 7, 1986 during a visit to … [Read more...]

The Remarks of Pope Francis on the Legal Recognition of Homosexual Unions

In the documentary “Francesco,” which premiered on October 21, 2020, Pope Francis is recorded in an interview as arguing for the legal recognition of homosexual civil unions: “Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re c … [Read more...]

No-Fault Divorce, Standing for Justice

Parish Priests and Divorce If a devastated woman approaches her pastor because she learned her husband committed adultery, the pastor might advise that she should hire a good divorce lawyer. When a faithful husband with four children tells … [Read more...]

Grace and Reason According to St. Paul and St. Thomas

...the world we live in is overwhelmingly irrational. Our popular discourse doesn’t make any sense at all. As Catholics, we need to understand what our faith teaches about this irrationality. We need to look to Scripture and t … [Read more...]

Jesus and Marriage? A Theological Response

The celibacy of Jesus, and the Christian response to it, is ultimately a question of love, an intimate relation that is hard to grasp for modern man looking in from the outside.    Early papyrus fragment of "wife of Jesus;" Jesus Christ Pa … [Read more...]

How Did We Get Into This Mess? The Legacy of Postmodernism.

Scholars tell us that this tipping point, when all taboos were uprooted and all universal expectations were discarded, goes by the name "Postmodernism." We have the sense that we went to sleep and woke up in a future we don’t recognize, s … [Read more...]

Legislation creating ”same-sex” marriage: What’s at stake?

Bishop's Corner

Marriage comes to us from nature ... neither Church nor State invented marriage, and neither can change its nature.  At the beginning of the New Year, 2013, a law is being proposed in the General Assembly to change the legal definition … [Read more...]