Marriage comes to us from nature ... neither Church nor State invented marriage, and neither can change its nature. At the beginning of the New Year, 2013, a law is being proposed in the General Assembly to change the legal definition … [Read more...]

About Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I.
Cardinal Francis George is the first Chicago native to become Archbishop of Chicago. Installed in May 1997, he arrived by way of the west coast, where he had spent less than a year as Archbishop of Portland, Oregon, and five years as Bishop of Yakima, Washington. He is the thirteenth Ordinary of Chicago since its establishment as a diocese in 1843.
The northwest side native, a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is the sixth Cardinal to lead the Chicago Archdiocese's 2.3 million Catholics. He has assumed a prominent position among U.S. bishops, serving as the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops from 2007 to 2010. His pastoral leadership encompasses international and national audiences.
Legislation creating ”same-sex” marriage: What’s at stake?
Bishop's Corner
February 9, 2013 by Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I.
Filed Under: Articles, Bishop's Corner Tagged With: abortion, annulment, civil unions, gender, marital consummation, nature of marriage, philosophy, religious liberty, same-sex marriage
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