Beauty: A Necessity, Not a Luxury

Just when I am about to succumb to the sadness and living death of nihilism, some piercing ray of beauty breaks open my heart, and the breath of possibility returns. I recently visited the Botanical Garden in St Louis.  Amid the sights … [Read more...]

Roman Missal 3.0: Updates Installed

As a revision, the Roman Missal 3.0 has, as its obvious intention, to be an improvement upon that which came before ... the highlights that follow will serve as fledgling insights into the treasures we have received. The last time I put … [Read more...]

Obstacles to Reading Scripture in Modernity: Von Balthasar’s Response

Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theological aesthetics {are} a remedy for the breakdown in modern biblical exegesis and the groundwork of an approach to revelation that allows the glory of God to show forth in all of its splendor. In the first b … [Read more...]

The Culture of Honor—A Brief Essay

What is needed to walk in our true identity, and to carry out the mission of bringing heaven to earth, is the culture of honor. God the Father wants nothing less than heaven on earth. This is why he gave us his Son, and his many … [Read more...]

The Church’s Year of Grace: History, Traditions, Beauty

Christian discipleship is fundamentally a dynamic movement from self to the beauty of Christ. In the absence of this dynamic movement, faith remains woefully incomplete. ...The essential characteristic of beauty then is to be transported … [Read more...]