In his Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus, the noted Jewish historian of the first century, described Jesus of Nazareth as a “wise man [sophos anēr] . . . a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure.”[1. “sophos anēr . . . didask … [Read more...]
Lord, Liar, or Lunatic?
Aquinas on the Divinity of the Johannine Christ
September 22, 2020 by Daniel M. Garland, Jr.
The Providence of God and the Cross of Christ
October 9, 2013 by Daniel M. Garland, Jr.
When one examines the mystery of divine providence, and its relation to the cross of Christ from the viewpoint of wisdom, which is knowledge of divine things, he sees God’s wonderful plan of redemption for his creatures. Crucifixion is t … [Read more...]
Obstacles to Reading Scripture in Modernity: Von Balthasar’s Response
December 24, 2012 by Daniel M. Garland, Jr.
Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theological aesthetics {are} a remedy for the breakdown in modern biblical exegesis and the groundwork of an approach to revelation that allows the glory of God to show forth in all of its splendor. In the first b … [Read more...]
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