Inverting the Relevance of the Gospel

We hear much these days about relevance and the need to be relevant in all we do. The admonition applies to politicians, parents, teachers and especially pastors who are exhorted to make Scripture relevant to their congregations. What can … [Read more...]

Beauty and Biblical Interpretation: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Response to Modern Biblical Studies

Key to Balthasar’s response to modern biblical studies is his concept of beauty ... Balthasar links beauty to human perception, and the way human beings gain knowledge. Over the past 100 years—amidst the confusion and darkness sur … [Read more...]

Eschatology and Eucharistic Adoration

...certain “liturgists” and “theologians” ... stamp (Eucharistic Adoration) as mere “private devotion.” In fact, in its complete form, from exposition to benediction, it is a liturgical event. has a long, and shall enjoy an everlasting … [Read more...]