Rallying for Religious Freedom under the Shadow of Planned Parenthood

Our Founding Fathers understood that when the state oversteps its boundaries—offending its very charge and offending the rights of the people—we must stand up. We stand today in a shadow cast by this massive Planned Parenthood facility, w … [Read more...]

Same-Sex Marriage and the Natural Law

The vertical dimension of human existence links man to his Creator. He is made in the image of God, intelligent and free. ... It is because man is a contingent, finite, intelligent, free creature of God that he is responsible to him for his … [Read more...]

Attacking the Roots of Abortion

What is really required ... is to address the thought processes and motivations that prompt people to seek abortion as a solution to a personal problem that should not have occurred in the first place. Catholics, and our counterparts in … [Read more...]

Legislation creating ”same-sex” marriage: What’s at stake?

Bishop's Corner

Marriage comes to us from nature ... neither Church nor State invented marriage, and neither can change its nature.  At the beginning of the New Year, 2013, a law is being proposed in the General Assembly to change the legal definition … [Read more...]

Are doctrine and morals too controversial?

January 2013 Editorial

What happens to a parish, and to its parishioners, when the pastor refuses to preach Catholic doctrine and morals on the grounds that they are now “too controversial”?   Cardinal Francis George and Cardinal Timothy Dolan are well known fo … [Read more...]

Should Catholics Acquiesce in Today’s Homosexual “Rights” Agenda?

Christians, including Catholics, are acquiescing, and even favoring, the idea that homosexual behavior must be considered, at least, morally neutral...and must be considered something to which those, so inclined, have a right. One of … [Read more...]