Arland K. Nichols

About Arland K. Nichols

Arland K. Nichols is the Director of Education and Evangelization at Human Life International and the President of the John Paul II Foundation for Life and Family. He is Executive Editor of HLI's Truth and Charity Forum at

Previously, while serving as instructor of Morality and Bioethics at Pope John XXIII High School in Katy, Texas, he co-founded the Archdiocese of San Antonio's continuing education program for medical professionals, "Converging Roads: Bioethics, Healthcare and Catholic Teaching." Mr. Nichols graduated from Texas A&M University with a B.A. in Philosophy, and he earned a Masters of Divinity from the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Theology. He holds a certification in Health Care Ethics from the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC), and is a member of the Catholic Medical Association (CMA), NCBC, and Fellowship of Catholic Scholars.

An accomplished writer on issues that touch upon the dignity of the human person, Mr. Nichols's work has been published in National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, The Linacre Quarterly, New Oxford Review, and Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly. Mr. Nichols and his wife, Cindy, reside in Katy, Texas with their three children, Joseph Daniel, Mary Catherine, and Thomas Augustine.

Rallying for Religious Freedom under the Shadow of Planned Parenthood

Our Founding Fathers understood that when the state oversteps its boundaries—offending its very charge and offending the rights of the people—we must stand up. We stand today in a shadow cast by this massive Planned Parenthood facility, w … [Read more...]

The Year of Faith: Recovering a Culture that is Genuinely Catholic

Surveys of Catholics reveal that a majority do not live in accord with, or simply do not know, their Catholic faith. ... On October 11, Pope Benedict called for a “Year of Faith” to “rediscover the journey of faith” in the midst of “a profou … [Read more...]

Betrayal or Integrity

When it comes to protecting the right to life of the most vulnerable human being in our midst, the infant in the womb, there is no “middle ground” or “common ground” to be found.  Human dignity must be protected and upheld.   Imagine for a … [Read more...]

Physician-assisted suicide: Can the culture of life and love prevail?

With faith and hope in Jesus and a firm resolve, it is not inevitable that PAS and euthanasia proponents will win the day.

The daunting specter of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) continues to loom in our country and throughout the world.[1. International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, Update, Year 2009 Vol. 23, No.2. All statistics are derived … [Read more...]