Archives for 2022

Homilies for January 2023

For the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, the Feast of the Epiphany, and the Second Sunday, Third Sunday, and Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – January 1, 2023 Readings: Nm 6:22–27 • Ps 67:2–3, 5, 6, 8 • Ga … [Read more...]

HPR Ressourcement

Monsignor William Brady, a professor of dogmatic theology at Saint Joseph’s Seminary and College in Dunwoodie, New York, was asked in 1900 by the founder of Homiletic and Pastoral Review (then titled The Homiletic Monthly & Catechist) t … [Read more...]

A Christmas Reflection

Praying with the liturgical calendar can bear much fruit. Taking the time to ponder the purposes and mysteries behind the historical events of the Nativity and all that followed gives us a chance to consider anew how our own lives are … [Read more...]

Walking Through the “Orchard” of Scripture

 Encountering a Rabbinical Tradition of Biblical Reading with Christian Eyes

Premise: Searching for Meaning One of the basic notions that we must take into consideration when reading Scripture is the complexity of meaning(s) “words” can communicate. Why? The divine revelation manifested in the written word resides i … [Read more...]

The Spirit of Truth

The Holy Spirit’s Role in a Deeper Understanding of Revelation

Jesus, who identified himself as the truth (Jn 14:6), indicated that it was “to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you” (Jn 16:7). Indeed, Christ promised to pray to the Father to send ano … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – January 2023

Are the Son and the Father Equal? Question: How can the three persons of the Trinity be equal if Father and Son is a hierarchical relationship? Answer: Your question strikes at the very heart of the Christian religion and was the first … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – January 2023

Theology as Prayer: A Primer for the Diocesan Priest. By Msgr. Walter R. Oxley and Fr. John P. Cush. Reviewed by Fr. Ryan A. Muldoon. (skip to review) Theology and Science in the Thought of Ian Barbour: A Thomistic Evaluation for the … [Read more...]

Homilies for December 2022

For the Second Sunday, Third Sunday, and Fourth Sunday in Advent, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and the Nativity of the Lord Second Sunday of Advent – December 4, 2022 Readings: Is 11:1–10 • Ps 72:1–2, 7–8, 12–13, 17 • Rom … [Read more...]

Ars Praedicandi

Originally delivered as an address to the Theological College in Washington D.C. AMDG JMJ Ars Praedicandi Theological College 12.XI.22 Praised be Jesus Christ! Now and forever! Father Dominic, faculty, staff, and students … [Read more...]

Priestly Obedience in a Post-McCarrick Church, Part II

Go to Part I Now that we have traced the nature and the theological implications of obedience and ecclesial authority, let us now look at authority and obedience as complementary responsibilities. Church documents emphasize that … [Read more...]

Perhaps Another Minor Ministry

When St. Paul VI dissolved the minor orders for the Latin Church and instituted a ecclesiastical reality called “minor ministries” of acolyte and lector, he wanted laymen only to assume these ministries of the liturgy in a more ins … [Read more...]

Caregivers of the Soul

In the first dwelling of her spiritual classic, The Interior Castle, Teresa of Avila cautions us: “We know we have souls. However, we seldom consider the precious things that can be found in this soul, or who dwells within it, or its high v … [Read more...]

Judaism Ancient and New

Remnant of Israel At the present time, “there is a Remnant chosen by grace” (Romans 11:5). Isaiah cries out concerning Israel (Romans 9:27), “If the number is as the sand of the sea, a remnant will repent and return and be saved” (my tra … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – December 2022

The Mass as Sacrifice Question: Why do you call the Mass a sacrifice? Does not Paul say the sacrifice of the Gentiles is a sacrifice to demons? “A broken and contrite heart O Lord thou will not despise,” I read in the psalms. Answer: Sac … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – December 2022

Before Austen Comes Aesop: The Children’s Great Books and How to Experience Them. By Cheri Blomquist. Reviewed by Kathryn Sadakierski. (skip to review) Through the Heart of St. Joseph. By Fr. Boniface Hicks. Reviewed by Joseph Tuttle. ( … [Read more...]