Are AI-Generated Homilies Suitable for the Edification and Flourishing of the Catholic Faithful?

Approach to the Subject Of late, many ethicists, computer scientists, and media experts have highlighted the emergence of data processing systems known as Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) not only because they promise a … [Read more...]

Review of Verbum 10

INTRODUCTION By Rev. John P. Cush, STD When I published my first book, The How-to-Book of Catholic Theology (Our Sunday Visitor Press, 2020), I was asked to schedule an interview with Mr. T.L. Putnam, who ran a weekly radio program … [Read more...]

Snapdragon: Newman and Distance Education

If you know your John Henry Newman, you know that snapdragon, that beautiful flower capable of growing on stone walls, was the emblem of his stay at Oriel College (he would see the blooms from his window every spring and wrote a poem about … [Read more...]

The Tyranny of Numbers

“Even the hairs of your head have all been counted.” – Luke 12:7  Numbers rule. In today’s world, numbers — and the data and algorithms fed by those numbers — seem to determine everything. In business, numbers influence every facet of busi … [Read more...]

Maintaining the Liturgy in a Homily Surrounded by Technology

Does technology enhance or diminish a homily? Should we use technology in homiletics? These questions don’t elicit an agreed-upon answer, and often focus on the art of preaching itself. Let’s take a representative example from each side. Dr. … [Read more...]

Receiving the Gift

A Way of Life Open to Reality

(This essay was previously presented at the National Billings Ovulation Method Teachers' Weekend.)[1. Presented at the National Billings Ovulation Method Teachers' Weekend. Perth, Western Australia. May 6, 2017.] If the Christmas Season … [Read more...]

Screen Time, Sacred Time

Could Tech Use Affect Your Ability to Pray?

Let me begin with a story I read a while ago that really got me thinking about screen time.[1.This article is based on a parish education presentation given in May 2017 at Saint Mary of the Visitation Catholic Parish, Elm Grove, … [Read more...]

Calumny in the Blogosphere

Calumnious blogging is a serious offense against God's law. Those who engage in it are jeopardizing their immortal souls and the souls of others.

Calumny is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary (1992) as a “false statement maliciously made to injure another’s reputation.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) places calumny as a serious sin under the Eighth Commandment, “ … [Read more...]

Pornography, Electronic Media and Priestly Formation

The fundamental safeguard against sin and temptation is a deep and abiding relationship with God that is rooted in love.

Pornography and electronic media have had a profound impact on American society, which includes the lives of priests and seminarians in the American Church. As a psychiatrist working with a team of physicians and therapists in a medical … [Read more...]