Nate Guyear

About Nate Guyear

Nate Guyear and his wife live near San Diego, CA, where they enjoy time with family, volunteering, and beautiful weather. Nate has an M.A. in Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary and is working on a Master's Certificate in Moral Theology at Christendom College. Nate writes popular theology/apologetics-based articles for and for his blog at

On Moral Perfection

All humans struggle with moral perfection, and temptations to sin are ever-present. Jesus tells us, “Temptations to sin are sure to come . . .” (Lk 17:1; RSV-CE). Yet Jesus, the Catholic Church, and Sacred Scripture call us to moral per … [Read more...]

The Terminal State of Unbaptized Infants

Since the earliest centuries of the Church, Christians have debated the terminal state of unbaptized babies. (This paper will use the term “unbaptized babies/infants” to represent all who die without baptism and without the cognitive abi … [Read more...]