Shakespeare’s most famous Franciscan character is Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet. ... Friar Laurence indirectly relates tragic paradox to divine power; grace so fills the world that evil can be brought out of good, yet, good can also d … [Read more...]

About Ken Colston
The former chairman of the English department at Thomas Jefferson School, a classical prep school in St. Louis, Missouri, Ken Colston is now retired. He was a regular contributor to the Baltimore Evening Sun from 1984 to 1992, and his articles on literature have appeared in academic journals, the secular press, and in Catholic periodicals, including Commonweal, The New Oxford Review, St. Austin Review, St. John's Review, LOGOS: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, and Catholic Digest. Some of his published articles on the Catholic Shakespeare are collected at
Shakespeare and the Franciscan Order
July 10, 2014 by Ken Colston
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Christopher Marlowe, David N. Beauregard, Elizabethan England, Faust, Fr. Peter Milward SJ, Francis Borgia Steck OFM, Franciscan order, Gerard Manley Hopkins, H. Mutschmann, Jacobean England, John R. H. Moorman, K. Wentersdorf, Michael Wood, persecution, Richard P. McBrien, Roger Bacon, William Shakespeare
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