There is a dark spirit, a spirit of unreason, stalking the world. In earlier times we might have characterized it as a Dionysian spirit attempting to oust Apollo. This spirit urges those who listen to it to throw off the constraints of the … [Read more...]
The Dark Spirit in Our Institutions
Catholics, Take Heed
September 11, 2019 by Stephen J. Heaney
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: biology, early childhood, medical research, pastoral issues, reality, sexuality, transsexual issues, Truth
Questions Answered
January 11, 2013 by Fr. Brian Mullady, OP

Is Baptism by water "Baptism in the Holy Spirit?" Can medical research on incapacitated patients ever be justified? Is Baptism by water "Baptism in the Holy Spirit?" Question: I have often heard the phrase “Baptism in the Holy Sp … [Read more...]
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