Faith and Reason, Like Milk and Cookies, Are Better Together

The old comedy series “Get Smart” featured a gizmo called the cone of silence. It was a glass silo that descended upon a group who wanted to have a private conversation. It never worked very well. The information silos in which technology wi … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – March 2021

  Mary and Bioethics: An Exploration. By Francis Etheredge. Reviewed by Fr. Aidan Nichols. (skip to review) A Year with the Mystics. By Kathryn Lopez. Reviewed by Lawrence Montz. (skip to review) Wisdom from the Psalms. By … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – March 2021

Is Moral Truth Always Objective? Question: Can a Catholic accept proportionalism in morals? Hans Kung and many other theologians did in the 70s and 80s. There are still moralists who think it is true. Answer: There has been a concerted a … [Read more...]

A Conversation about Cancel Culture

Over Thanksgiving break, a friend of mine asked me, “What is meant by the phrase cancel culture?” I thought the best way to get at the answer was to ask him a question of my own, “What does it mean to talk about culture?” That simple questio … [Read more...]

The Overlooked Middle

An Attempt to Start a New Dialogue

In conversation at a recent cocktail party, a wise and elegant lady told me that Catholic publishing (or the publishing of Catholic thought) is a club with strict membership. One “must be an academic” to be considered for membership, she sai … [Read more...]

Fall Reading for October 2014

History of the Catholic Church: From the Apostolic Age to the Third Millennium. James F. Hitchcock (Ignatius Press: San Francisco, 2012) 584 pages. (Reviewed by Fr. Brian Van Hove, SJ) The Word Made Love: The Dialogical Theology of … [Read more...]

The New Evangelization: Quo Vadis?

More and more, Catholics are shying away from using terms like "proselytizing," "conversion," and even "Catholic" in their ecumenical and inter-religious efforts, almost as if they were ashamed of the Gospel, or afraid of appearing as a … [Read more...]