Introduction: Intimidating Indicators When asked to preach to priests, I recall the advice of a bishop: “Preach hope. The guys need to hear a hopeful message.” Presbyterates needing hope is a theme I’ve heard for many years, perhaps becau … [Read more...]
Pentecostal Suffering and Our Growth in Holiness
The seasons of Lent and Easter help us understand the priesthood if we begin at the end. Easter season ends with Pentecost, so that’s where we’ll begin. Recall the story of Pentecost: Everyone from various countries all understood the same l … [Read more...]
Pastoral Formation as Improvisation
Introduction So what does slapping together a sandwich in a soup kitchen have to do with priestly formation? And how does packing medical equipment for a mission trip help anyone become a spiritual father? Or visiting random old dudes at a … [Read more...]
An Advent Examination
Advent is not a season of penance, but of preparation. Advent prepares us for the two comings of Christ, that is, the Incarnation and the Eschaton. However, amid the garlands and the gifts, we all know how easy it is to become wrapped up in … [Read more...]
Meditations Upon the Virgin’s Virtues for Contemporary Clergy, Part 2
This continues the meditation begun in Part 1, here. Generosity: Mark 3: 31-35 Before Dr. Phil, there was a story about a couple who sought marriage counseling. The wife went in to see the counselor first, and alone. And after she left, … [Read more...]
Meditations Upon The Virgin’s Virtues for Contemporary Clergy, Part 1
Introduction What is the difference between a furrow and a rut? A furrow is an intentional emptiness cut into the earth in preparation for fullness. A farmer’s plow intentionally cuts a furrow, opening the earth to produce a full harvest. A … [Read more...]
Simony in Spiritual Direction?
When I mentioned this thesis to my classmate, he deemed it “peculiar.” I had to apologize after shouting, “My thesis isn’t peculiar, what’s going on is peculiar!” My thesis is that direct, monetary payment to a spiritual director from his/he … [Read more...]
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