Summer Reading for August 2015

Soul-Centered: Spirituality for People on the Go. Jim Clarke. (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2015) 144 pages; $14.95. (Reviewed by Melinda Selmys) _____________ Make the Words Your Own: An Early Christian Guide to the Psalms. Benjamin … [Read more...]

Home and School in American Catholic Life

This essay argues that understanding the historical reasons why Catholic schools and homeschooling arose can help one to see how both may contribute to the revitalization of a Catholic subculture and American society in complementary w … [Read more...]

The Need for Liturgy Within Parish Catechetical Programs

Some pastors have experienced people who register in the parish, and go to Mass for a short period of time, but leave once they get what they want: their wedding at their dream church, parish assistance with tuition, renting parish … [Read more...]

Change and permanence

The Catholic Church has always seemed to me to be like the solid Rock of Gibralter — stable and permanent. Even though we live in a world of constant change and are able to adapt ourselves to it, most of us feel more at home with t … [Read more...]