Attending a Greek Orthodox Wedding Question: Is it permissible for a Catholic to attend either the ceremony or reception of a Catholic marrying a Greek Orthodox at a Greek Orthodox Mass without a Catholic priest present? Answer: The … [Read more...]
The Legacy of the Vision of Pope John Paul II for Marriage and Family
Not even the bullet from the barrel of an assassin’s gun could stop Pope John Paul II from emphasizing early in his pontificate the issues of marriage and family. In just the first five years, he created six key markers in these critical a … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
Early Fall Reading For September 2013 Reviews for the following books: SPOUSAL PRAYER: A Way to Marital Happiness. by Deacon Jim Keating, Ph.D., (Institute for Priestly Formation,Omaha, NE ) 54 pp. PB $6.95; and THE PARISH AS A SCHOOL O … [Read more...]
Spousal Love in Conjugal Spirituality
Spousal union is sacramental because it makes visible the invisible reality of God’s spousal love for his people. Our Catholic faith is lived through an array of spiritual traditions. While each observes the same theological truths, the … [Read more...]
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