Celibacy as an Asset in Ministering to Married Persons

Celibacy for the Kingdom of God might seem like an obstacle in relating to the struggles of married people, including but not limited to spousal conflicts, balancing home and work duties, managing multiple children, and dealing with in-laws … [Read more...]

Some Reflections on the Spiritual Life for the Lockdown

With much of our ordinary life still affected by the lockdown, it can be harder than ever to keep our heart fixed on the Lord and his divine providence. Rather than prayer, spiritual reading, contemplation and encouraging others, we may … [Read more...]

Taking Up the Cross Daily by Praying with Our Senses

On the Role of Mortification in the Christian Life

The term “mortification” has become increasingly less common in contemporary discussions of the spiritual life. One might say it is now nearly absent from such discussions. We hear about someone being “mortified” when they are humiliated, or … [Read more...]

Recovering the Christian Tradition: Self-denial & Self-fulfillment

It is time now, on the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, to focus the light on the recovery of the riches of the Christian message regarding self-fulfillment and self-denial ... to enrich the new culture with the old. Christ and the Woman … [Read more...]