Eschatology and Eucharistic Adoration

...certain “liturgists” and “theologians” ... stamp (Eucharistic Adoration) as mere “private devotion.” In fact, in its complete form, from exposition to benediction, it is a liturgical event. has a long, and shall enjoy an everlasting … [Read more...]

Hand to the Plow

The religious sister’s separation from family and friends means that ... in order to “put one’s hand to the plow” (Lk 9:59-60) one may not look back ... in order to attend to the “one thing necessary.” Introduction One of the distinctiv … [Read more...]

John Paul II’s “Triptych” of the Human Person

This article focuses on the first part of Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body which broadens the vision of humanity from not just this life (historical man), but to what God intended for man before the Fall (original man), as well as w … [Read more...]

Heaven is not an abstraction

The realism or concreteness of Catholicism is startling to minds conditioned only by abstractions or by materialism alone.

“Today’s feast (Assumption) impels us to lift our gaze to Heaven; not the heaven consisting of abstract ideas or even an imaginary heaven created by art, but the Heaven of true reality which is God himself.” —Benedict XVI, Homily, Feast of … [Read more...]

Judaism and Catholicism

SALVATION IS FROM THE JEWS. By Roy H. Schoeman (Ignatius Press, P.O. Box X1339, Fort Collins , CO 80522, 2003), 392 pp. PB. $16.95.

Ambitious and comprehensive in scope, this book examines the role of Israel in religious history from the time of Abraham to the Second Coming. It is a work of fresh, illuminating thought that offers startling, original insights and a … [Read more...]

God’s Salvific Plan

WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT THE END TIMES? A CATHOLIC VIEW. By William Kurz, S.J. (Servant Books, 28 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, 2005), 199 pp. PB $11.95.

How should Catholics respond to fundamentalist claims about the end of the world? How should Catholic priests preach about end times? Sermons on the subject from Catholic pulpits tend to be rare, and Catholics (perhaps from lack of much … [Read more...]