Just like the Church in the United States, the Irish Church is enduring hard times. However, what makes it so upsetting in Ireland ... is the disappearance of what had been a Catholic society. When first coming to Ireland more than a … [Read more...]

About John P. McCarthy, PhD
John P. McCarthy, PhD, is Professor Emeritus, Fordham University, New York. He has an M.A. from the University of Chicago and a PhD from Columbia University. He has published a number of books including: "Hilaire Belloc: Edwardian Radical"; "Kevin O'Higgins: Builder of the Irish State"; and, most recently, "Twenty-First Century Ireland: A View from America."
What Happened to Catholic Ireland: An Irish-American Historian’s View
March 6, 2014 by John P. McCarthy, PhD
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Archbishop Charles Brown, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, clerical sexual abuse, Defense of Life in Pregnancy Act, Donal Dorr, Dublin, Eamon Gilmour, Enda Kenny, Honor Tracey, Ireland, James Joyce, Marc Cardinal Ouellet, misreadings of Vatican II, Pope Benedict XVI, the Magdalene Laundries, Vatican II
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