The ninety-first psalm speaks of “the scourge that wreaks havoc at high noon.” It also expresses confidence in God’s protection from that scourge, as well as other evils. Based on that psalm some spiritual writers speak of the “Noonday Devil … [Read more...]
Homilies For October 2017
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 1, 2017 Readings: Ez. 18:25-28; Ps. 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Phil. 2:1-(5)11; Mt. 21:28-32 Religion and Faith Often the Gospels describe a confrontation between J … [Read more...]
Revisiting Grace
There is an old Irish saying according to which there is an ebb and flow to every-thing except God’s grace. George Bernanos, in his Diary of a Country Priest, gives a touching illustration of that truth. It is the portrayal of a priest who b … [Read more...]
Same-Sex Marriage?
The question of same-sex marriage is complex in various ways: legally, morally, sociologically, and psychologically. It is not the purpose here, however, to analyze the phenomenon of same-sex unions under any of those aspects. The more … [Read more...]
Homilies for October 2014
Homilies For Sunday Liturgies and Holy Days, October 2014 27th Sunday in Ordinary time—October 5, 2014 Care of the Vineyard Purpose: The vineyard symbolizes God’s chosen people. The crop yielded by the vineyard and the conduct of th … [Read more...]
It is good to begin one’s search for truth with the awareness that we are always limited in our possession of truth. That limitation does not mean truth is unattainable. What Is Truth? by Nickolai Ge, 1890. From the earliest times, his … [Read more...]
Vanishing Catholics
According to recent demographic surveys, it seems there are presently 30 million people in the U.S. who identify themselves as “former Catholics.” That figure is both surprising, and, for Catholics, disheartening. Over the past 50 years … [Read more...]
God’s Love: Reason for Hope
His love for man will never rest until he has raised our earthbound nature from glory to glory, and made it one with his own in heaven.- From a sermon by St. Andrew of Crete, pg. … [Read more...]
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