Foreword by Rev. John P. Cush: “HPR Ressourcement, Part II” As you, as our faithful reader (or even new reader!) might know, this journal, now known as Homiletic and Pastoral Review, was founded over 123 years ago. When I think about the pr … [Read more...]

About Theodore Musco
Theodore J. Musco (Ted) is a lifelong Catholic involved in all aspects of parish, Catholic school, and (arch)diocesan life and ministry. Called to missionary discipleship, Ted is committed to seeking ways to help others encounter Christ and accompany them on their journey of faith. Finding joy in new and innovative methods to communicate the Good News of Jesus, Ted finds hope in the joy of the Gospel and the Eucharist and currently serves as the Director of the Office of Family Life in the Archdiocese of New York.
The Work of Catechesis for Priests and Deacons
August 28, 2023 by Theodore Musco
Filed Under: Catechist's Corner Tagged With: catechesis, deacons, pre-marriage instruction, relationship with Jesus
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