Fr. Charles Klamut About Fr. Charles Klamut

Fr. Charles Klamut is a priest for the Diocese of Peoria ordained in 1999. He has served as high school and college chaplain as well as pastor. He is currently pastor of St. Ambrose in Milan, IL, and St. Patrick in Andalusia, IL. He has a podcast, PastoralQuotient, available on iTunes and Soundcloud. He is also a songwriter and musician with several albums released.


  1. Avatar JOHN GRONDELSKI says:

    A wonderful article, but I also agree with the position articulated decades ago (by my graduate advisor, Fr Sabbas Kilian): we lack a theology of parish. Priests rightly complain that many lay Catholics engage in parish shopping; bishops often treat parishes as their local franchises, the worst of them “renewing” parishes by reviewing their bottom lines and then suppressing them, usually with the applause of a few carefully selected lackeys from the parish who will rubberstamp the bishop’s decision. Dioceses have, especially since the 1980s, become the ecclesiastical version of Washington: sucking up all institutions below them, in the name of the bishop as “father” of the diocese and corporation sole, so that now few parishes have cemeteries, schools, certainly high schools independent of the diocese. Meanwhile, any suggestion of accountability from below is repulsed as the ugly head of “trusteeism” (which was not a bad thing. Consider the doctrinal mess Raymond Burke helped fester in St. Louis because he could not stand a Polish parish there not conforming to the Procrustean bed of canonical procedure as currently applied).

  2. Avatar Bernadette Fakoory says:

    Subsidiarity as you pointed out is a jewel that is lost in a hay stack. It is about the grass is about family life .This is where the domestic Church has its beginning in training members within the household to learn to corporate with each other in fulfilling daily tasks of family life. Engendering respect, value, and love for each other in the process of maturing as healthy individuals .

    It was a delight to read this written work. I could find no fault with your intent to take up the challenge and reintroduce one of the pillars of social teachings of the Church , Subsidiarity. I must admit though the real challenge is not only implementing it, but steering the course to see it bear the fruits it promises to produce: freedom,dignity,loyalty, maturity of persons all cooperating with each other in building up their township, their neighborhood their family life.

    I would like to add that keeping things flowing require that no one Lord it over another. Human beings are such that egos, personalities, competitiveness, always fear its ugly head at some point along the way. These are the little fox that need to be uprooted immediately as it shows up.

    Before I close, I would like to say that we are truly bless to have a true shepherd in Pope Francis. He has a sound mind. He gets it.His sermons are so edifying and uplifting. He is truly showing us how to get the jewel out of the hay stack. How to be free, responsible and mature Christians. How to truly worship in spirit and in truth. How to allow God to create a sacred place and a meal for us all.

    We need to pray for him. He is trying his best ”

    Thank you

  3. Thank you Fr. Klamut, for this essay and for your concern about this serious and important disorder in the Church currently named “clericalism.” The overlap of disorders in secular society with corresponding disorders in the Church are many, are embarrassing and are in some cases even shameful. The secular world and the Church ought to be sharply distinct! But instead, in the battle of evangelization, “they” seem to be winning many battles, evangelizing us far more than we are evangelizing them.

    We need to be growing spiritually, but so many – among both laity and clergy! – seem content with whatever depth of spiritual life they now possess and feel comfortable with. The call to holiness seems to have been put in its place in a darkened corner or closet somewhere, and compromise with the godless world seems safe again, once more, tragically. Clericalism keeps the clergy untouchable and uncorrectable, and it keeps the laity spiritually impotent and clergy-dependent. And it keeps the Church far, far from the Kingdom of God.

    This essay brings to my mind an HPR essay from December 2012, “The ‘Munus Regendi’ of the Priest and the Vocation of the Laity,” by Rev. Mr. Gaurav Shroff, scheduled to be ordained in 2013. His essay is here, if any are interested in revisiting it: it is excellent. I would really like to read a follow-up from him, since he entered and is living life as a priest. The link to his essay: