Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 4, 2018 Readings: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 “For this purpose have I come.” Why are you here? There are obviously m … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2018
A Reflection on Youth, College and Young Adult Ministries, Part I
Animating the Xennial, Millennial and Post-Millennial Generations with the Spirit of Christ
Part I Building, re-building and restoring youth, high school/college campus, or young adult ministries: this is what our work has been for the past decade. When someone first arrives in a new youth ministry, or is given the task of … [Read more...]
Dr. Curtis Boyd, Abortionist
The Tower of Abortive Choice, Anarchy, and the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
The Scourge of Abortion in New Mexican Catholic Culture—an Introduction Albuquerque, New Mexico’s Dr. Curtis Boyd, is a cult hero to some. To others he is the devil incarnate. Boyd is an abortionist. He performs third-trimester, and even pa … [Read more...]
Being Open to Life—Abstract Norm, or Embodied Word?
Preamble We have a temptation to separate a moral norm from its existential reality and, in so doing, to imagine that we have “an abstract norm”[1. Although the expression, ‘abstract norm’ (ncregi … [Read more...]
Conversion, Consecration, Communion
Movements into Salvation
The Sequence in Salvation History This sequence—Conversion, Consecration, Communion—can describe three steps in several important processes, in the Catholic Faith. Historically, it can describe periods in the salvation history of humanity. … [Read more...]
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