Chapter 11 of Steven Weinberg’s Dreams of a Final Theory is titled “What about God?” It begins, rather wonderfully, by quoting Psalm 19 and commenting as follows: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwo … [Read more...]
Yes, We Can Know Truth Today
December 2, 2014 by Fr. Paul Conner, OP
How astonishing it is to be a human person! Like vegetables, it is wonderful enough to be able to assimilate inanimate minerals and grow, as well as to reproduce our own kind. Like our dear pets, it is amazing that we have senses to know … [Read more...]
Christian Life and Education: The Christian Belief in God
February 8, 2013 by Fr. John Navone, SJ
The sacramental vision of an authentically Christian education enjoys the sense of the holy in all things, and imparts a kind of sanctity to the study of all disciplines, seeing in each an avenue to the Creator Logos ... (it) is an aspect … [Read more...]
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