The Heart of the Matter

In Pastores Dabo Vobis, Blessed John Paul II offered to those charged with seminary formation the framework by which to form men for the priesthood, namely, the four pillars of priestly formation: spiritual, intellectual, apostolic and … [Read more...]

In Processu

Seeking holiness by living in intimate and unceasing union with the Trinity

Spiritual formation...should be conducted in such a way that the students may learn to livein intimate and unceasing union with God the Father through his Son Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Those who are to take on the likeness of Christ … [Read more...]

In Processu

In Processu is a monthly feature in HPR, providing a place for those involved in seminary life to address concerns particular to today’s seminarians. Following the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ document, “Program of Priestly … [Read more...]

Chosen from Among Men

In Processu

When a bride makes thoughtful consideration of the necessary qualities to be found in her bridegroom, it surprises no one that she would look for a certain depth of heart in the relationship, an ability to properly perceive the difficulties … [Read more...]