Although papal infallibility is commonly found in popular conversation, how well the term is understood is another matter. As Danny Garland, Jr., pointed out in his recent article on “The Development of the Dogma of Papal I … [Read more...]

About Rev. John T. Ford, CSC
Rev. John T. Ford, CSC, is professor of theology and religious studies and coordinator of Hispanic/Latin programs at The Catholic University of America, Washington DC. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, he received an MA in theology from Holy Cross College (Washington, DC), and earned a licentiate (STL) and doctorate (STD) in theology at the Gregorian University in Rome. His current areas of research and teaching include 19th century theology, contemporary ecumenism, and Hispanic/Latino theology. He is the editor-in-chief of the Newman Studies Journal, and an area editor for "Liberation Theology" for Religious Studies Review.
Papal Infallibility: A Symbolic, Yet Problematic, Term
March 30, 2012 by Rev. John T. Ford, CSC
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: ecumenical councils, papal infallibility, Vatican I
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