Criticism of Amy Coney Barrett in the wake of her nomination to the Supreme Court last autumn has focused on her legal philosophy and on her devout Catholic faith.[1. “The conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you,” rem … [Read more...]
About Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray is Professor of Religious Studies at Rhodes College in Memphis (Amy Coney Barrett’s alma mater). He received his Ph.D. in religion from Emory University. His research focuses on the Greco-Roman context of early Christianity and the history of biblical interpretation; he is the author of The Routledge Guidebook to the New Testament (2017) as well as the editor of the upcoming Cambridge Companion to the New Testament (2021).
Amy Coney Barrett, the Bible, and the Constitution
March 12, 2021 by Patrick Gray
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: American history, Amy Coney Barrett, exegesis, politics, Protestant Reformation, Scripture
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