The seventh commandment in the Decalogue, “You shall not steal,” is expounded upon in the Catechism in the following excerpt: [The seventh commandment] commands justice and charity in the care of earthly goods and the fruits of men's lab … [Read more...]

About Dominic David Nalpon
Dominic Nalpon is a student at the International Theological Institute in Austria. He is originally from Singapore, where he spent several years in parochial and diocesan ministry in the areas of formation of young people, catechesis, and the New Evangelisation. He is currently at the tail end of a five-year master's degree in Sacred Theology, and hopes to continue his studies to serve the Church as a teacher and theologian.
Thou Shall Not Steal
The Universal Destination and the Private Ownership of Goods
January 26, 2020 by Dominic David Nalpon
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Aristotle, Catholic Social Teaching, ethics, moral theology, social justice, Ten Commandments
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