For October 6, October 13, October 20, and October 27. 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 6th, 2019 Readings: Hab 1:2–3, 2:2–4 • Ps 95:1–2, 6–9 • 2 Tim 1:6–8, 13–14 • Lk 17:5–10 The Greatest … [Read more...]

About Dcn. Michael A. Meyer
Dcn. Michael A. Meyer lives in Clinton Township, NJ, with his wife and two daughters, and serves at Immaculate Conception Parish in the Diocese of Metuchen. He received Bachelor of Science in Language and Juris Doctor degrees from Georgetown University, a Certificate in Diaconal Ministry and a Master of Arts in Theology from the College of Saint Elizabeth, and is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching at Aquinas Institute of Theology. His homilies and other writings can be found on his blog,
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