Tumult Late July, 1968; large-tiered classroom at a Jesuit university. New Testament scholar Max Zerwick, SJ, is expounding upon the prologue to John’s Gospel, word by word, pericope by pericope. We graduate theology students, 150 s … [Read more...]

About John S. Hamlon
John S. Hamlon, MA, teaches theology and philosophy classes in the Sacramento area and in neighboring dioceses. He has an MA in theology from the University of San Francisco and did doctoral work in systematic theology at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. Prior to being the associate director of the St. Ignatius Institute (1994–2001), he was the program director for national and international conferences on NFP, marriage, and family at St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN. He’s the author of A Call to Families: A Commentary and Study Guide for Familiaris Consortio (revised 2016) and several articles on marriage.
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