One of the relatively minor and nonetheless frustrating consequences of COVID’s rude invasion into society can be observed in diaconal and priestly ordinations. These typically large-scale celebrations have been reduced to minute g … [Read more...]

About Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer
A priest of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer is originally from Ypsilanti, Michigan, and studied at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. After graduated, he entered the seminary and was ordained in 2015 after finishing his philosophical and theological studies and obtaining a licentiate in philosophy from the Catholic University of America. Currently he resides in Fossanova, Italy, at the Cistercian abbey where Saint Thomas Aquinas died, is a doctoral student in philosophy at Regina Apostolorum in Rome, and works as parochial vicar at the co-cathedral of Santa Maria in Sezze, Italy.
The Month of the Priesthood
November 25, 2020 by Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Holy Orders, ministerial priesthood, sacraments, spiritual fatherhood, suffering
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